Employee Verification Letter Guidelines
Suggested information to be included in employee verification letter:
- Include company letterhead and contact information
- Name of employee, if reasonable to include
- Name of company
- Clear statement that the employee is deemed essential
- Language that the individual is authorized for business related travel
- If possible a contact number that law enforcement can call if they feel a need to verify the letter’s authenticity
- You may want to include a reference to the CISA memorandum of essential workers as part of letter
“Workers supporting groceries, pharmacies, and other retail that sells food and beverage products, including but not limited to Grocery stores, Corner stores and convenience stores, including liquor stores that sell food, Farmers’ markets, Food banks, Farm and produce stands, Supermarkets, Similar food retail establishments, Big box stores that sell groceries and essentials”
Local Government Face Covering Ordinances
The Association tracks local government actions taken on key policy issues, compiling new mandates in our Local Ordinance Database. With many cities and counties having face covering ordinances or recommendations in place, this CGA tool will help you easily access the latest PPE information for the areas where you operate.
Whitepaper: Guidance for Grocers on Responding to Employees’ or Disabled Customers’ Requests to Go Without Face Covering (Updated 7/14/2020)
As more and more cities and counties adopt mandatory facial covering requirements for customers and employees, the question of enforcement has caused considerable consternation within the grocery community. Employers also need direction on what accommodations need to be made when an employee or customer refuses to wear a facial covering.
To provide CGA retail members direction, the Association requested the law firm of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. to create the whitepaper. To download the original whitepaper, click here. To download the updated supplement to the original whitepaper, click here.
In-Store Social Distancing Best Practices
Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations
The CDC has released its best practices for environmental cleaning and disinfection of community facilities. While these recommendations are targeted to businesses with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, they are also likely useful for those of you working to proactively ensure the health and safety of your store teams and customers.
Coronavirus Resources and Preparedness Checklist
Our partners at the Food Industry Association (FMI) have created a coronavirus preparedness checklist for retailers. The information included is based off of advice from the CDC and draws from industry experiences during previous viral outbreaks.