Lend Your Voice to Ours
April 3, 2024
Sacramento, CA
There is no substitute for connecting with elected officials face-to-face. This is the power of Grocers Day at the Capitol; CGA’s signature advocacy event, which takes place each spring.
The Public Policy Institute of California’s “Statewide Survey” consistently ranks jobs and the economy as the most important issue facing the state’s residents. As one of the state’s largest employers, Grocers Day at the Capitol gives our industry the opportunity to educate elected officials on the impact legislation and regulations have on grocers and their employees — as well as the downstream effect on constituent priorities.
Sponsor Grocers Day
A limited number of sponsorships are available. Email Beth Wright, Senior Director, Events & Sponsorships, or call (916) 488-3545 to reserve your sponsorship opportunity now.
Thank you to our 2024 sponsors!