May 4, 2021: CDPH New Guidance for Vaccinated Workers
Quarantine No Longer Required for Vaccinated Workers
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued new guidance for vaccinated workers, which alters some aspects of how the Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) is applied.
Under its Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People, the new CDPH guidance specifies that, in a workplace setting, fully vaccinated workers are no longer required to quarantine following a known exposure at work, so long as the exposed vaccinated worker remains asymptomatic.
A worker is considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 either two weeks or more after they receive the second dose in a two-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or two weeks of more after they received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson/Janssen).
It’s also important to note, employers must still follow all other requirements of the ETS for fully vaccinated workers. Regardless of vaccination status, an exposed fully vaccinated worker must still be provided testing as before, and the physical distancing and face covering requirements of the ETS continue to apply just the same to vaccinated workers.
California continues to move closer to alignment with the CDC’s newest guidelines. Cal/OSHA is also working on a formal update to its COVID-19 ETS, which may be published very soon, and addressed during the next meeting of the Cal/OSH Standards Board next month.
For questions, contact Kelly Ash.
Guidance and Directives
November 19, 2020: Limited Stay-at-Home Orders
Against the backdrop of surging COVID-19 cases in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a “limited” stay-at-home order for the state.
Effective November 21 through December 21, 2020, counties in the Purple COVID-19 Tier must cease non-essential activities between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.
This means that all gatherings with members of other households and all activities conducted outside the residence, lodging, or temporary accommodation with members of other households cease between the hours specified above.
It is important to remember the grocery industry is categorized as an essential business with essential workers, meaning grocery businesses are NOT subject to the limited stay-at-home order. Essential employees traveling to and from work is allowed at all hours.
With that said, CGA recommends you equip employees with Employee Verification Letters.
December 2, 2020: OAL Approves Emergency Regulations
Cal/OSHA’s emergency regulations, concerning COVID-19 prevention in the workplace, were approved on Monday, November 30.
Because these are emergency regulations, they must be implemented immediately. Below are several resources provided by the Department of Industrial Relations and Cal/OSHA to help with implementation.
Department of Industrial Relations Announcement – 12/1/20
Cal-OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards – Need to Know
COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards FAQ
COVID-19 Prevention Order Language
November 16, 2020: California Travel Advisory
With COVID19 infection rates again surging, the State of California released a travel advisoryfor non-essential travel.
The advisory encourages people arriving in or returning to California, from other states or countries, to self-quarantine for 14 days. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) document also asks residents to avoid traveling outside their residence and region, whenever possible.
It’s worth noting “non-essential” travel is defined as travel for recreation or tourism. The advisory for self-quarantine does not apply to “essential travel,” which includes travel for work and other specified reasons.
There is no requirement for employees traveling for non-essential purposes to be directed to self-quarantine by their employer or to be provided paid leave solely for self-quarantine due to travel. CDPH is only making recommendations for individuals to follow.
If you have questions or concerns, contact Tim James.
July 28, 2020: Newsom’s COVID-19 Employer Playbook
Last Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom released a new COVID-19 Employer Playbook.
This document is a part of Newsom’s announced effort to protect workers through increased education and more enforcement. While the playbook is only a “guidance” document, and many of the practices have already been put into place across the grocery industry, there are a handful of takeaways for store operators to consider.
- The document provides guidance for how to report a case or outbreak in a workplace, including:
- What information to report to your local health department, as well as how to inform workers of potential exposure while keeping confidential information of the possibly infected employee(s) (page 10).
- There is a helpful chart for reference that breaks down when a worker should return to work (page 11).
- Explains all state and federal sick paid leave laws. Within this section is also another subsection of all the laws the Labor commissioner will enforce (page 21).
- Offers guidance on enforcing mask requirements, including specific language managers can use when dealing with customers AND employees who refuse to wear masks (page 27).
If you have any additional questions after reviewing the COVID-19 Employer Playbook, contact Leticia Garcia.
GO-BIZ Offers Tax Credits for Growth
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-BIZ) has opened its application window for its California Competes Tax Credits (CCTC).
Businesses that are growing or adding full-time jobs in the state are eligible to apply for GO-BIZ’s $80 million made available through tax credits. The deadline to apply is midnight, August 17.
Interested business owners can review the Office’s FAQ to learn more, and the application can be found on its website.
July 20, 2020: Cal-OSHA Q&A Follow-Up Notes
Last Friday, CGA hosted a special informational session with Douglas Parker, who directs the California Office of Industrial Relations. Our goal was to help grocery operators learn more about the recent site visits conducted by Cal-OSHA in early July through the webinar’s question-and-answer format.
Parker said the agency was updating its guidelines for how grocery stores should operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new document is not yet available, but CGA will distribute it as soon as it’s received.
The Director of the state’s industrial relations efforts also clarified the role of grocers in enforcing California’s mask mandate. Speaking about this issue, Parker explained that stores were encouraged to support the mandate, but not expected to enforce it upon their customers.
The Association reached out to the Governor’s office to confirm this position and received a memo in the affirmative.
July 14, 2020: CGA Releases Updated Face Covering Whitepaper
Last month, CGA released a whitepaper, prepared by the law firm of Ogletree Deakins, that provided guidelines for grocery companies amid conflicting reports as to when and where to don facial coverings.
Since then, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a statewide order requiring all Californians to wear face coverings in public, or high-risk settings, including grocery shopping. The order was the result of a continual increase in the number of COVID-19 cases reported.
CGA has updated its whitepaper to reflect new requirements created by the governor’s statewide order.
To view the whitepaper update, click here. To review the original whitepaper, click here.
July 13, 2020: State Reinstates Several Restrictions
Based on a surge of COVID-19 across California Governor Newsom is reinstating restrictions on certain activities and businesses effective immediately, July 13. While there are no direct impacts on grocery indirect impacts could result, especially with the restriction on indoor dining at restaurants.
The restrictions effective immediately require that all counties must close operations in certain sectors which include:
- Restaurants
- Wineries and Tasting Rooms
- Movie Theaters
- Family Entertainment Centers
- Zoos and Museums
- Cardrooms
- Bars must close all operations
The Governor is also requiring that all counties on the County Monitoring List should close indoor operations for more sectors due to risk of spread. It is also prohibited for any additional county opening variances. The current list of jurisdictions on the County Monitoring List represent 80% of California’s population.
Information regarding the restrictions and the County Monitoring List is available HERE.
July 8, 2020: Governor Urges Californians to Comply with Face Mask Mandate
Coronavirus cases continue to mount across California, and Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked for the grocery community to assist in helping reinforce his “Wear a Mask” message.
Through an ad-agency partnership the Governor’s office will be coordinating creative assets for interested partners. Some of the suggested campaign ideas include:
- Creative adhesive for the lower section of entrance doors to stores.
- 11×14 sized boards or sandwich board creative about wearing masks.
- Push notifications to app users.
- Weekly ads with either mask imagery or brief blurb about masks.
- Email newsletters/ads.
- In-Store PSA. Face mask reminder PSA’s repeated throughout the business day.
- Parking Lot Signage. Signage can be placed on light poles, shopping cart retrieval areas.
Please email Dave Heylen to share your interest.
July 6, 2020: Newsom Dials Up Enforcement Actions
Last week, we covered Gov. Gavin Newsom’s creation of enforcement “strike teams” ahead of the holiday weekend. While the strike teams’ deployment tactics were not immediately known, CGA has received reports these teams visited a number of grocery stores, mainly in Southern California.
Today, the Governor shared more details about enforcement during today’s briefing. Enforcement operations targeted the 23 counties on the state’s COVID-19 watch list, known violators of social distancing protocols and workplaces deemed “high risk.” Newsom also detailed that these enforcement actions were mostly focused on education, rather than punitive measures.
Early reports from visited grocery stores point towards Cal-OSHA focusing on in-store sanitation standards, social distancing protocols, employee temperature checks, masks worn by employees and procedures for handling COVID-19-positive employees. The agency did threaten fines if employees do not properly wear their masks. Agents from the Cal-OSHA strike team also were unsupportive of grocers accepting reusable bags.
As the Association learns more about Cal-OSHA’s intentions, we will keep you all updated. In the meantime, we recommend companies review Cal-OSHA’s “Infection Prevention in Grocery Stores” document and the “General Checklist for Grocery Employees.”
July 1, 2020: Newsom Rolls Back Indoor Dining
As the daily count of coronavirus cases continues to set new records in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced restaurants — and any grocery store operating restaurant-style eateries — must cease indoor dining across 18 counties.
While restaurants are still allowed to offer takeout and outdoor dining, it’s possible this additional limitation placed on restaurants may drive increased traffic to grocers ahead of Fourth of July weekend.
It’s also worth noting that the Governor outlined a plan for “enforcement strike teams,” which will ensure public health orders are being carried out. These teams will include ABC, CalOSHA, Department of Business Oversight, Department of Consumer Affairs and CHP, and the goal is to target non-compliant workplaces.
June 29, 2020: Bar-Closure Mandates Sweep California
On Sunday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that all bars must close in seven California counties, including Los Angeles. The state’s Public Health Department also recommended closing bars in eight additional counties.
Today, counties advised to close by the Governor and public health officials, but not mandated to do so, began taking action. Sacramento County will close bars tonight, June 29, and Contra Costa County postponed the reopening of businesses like bars, gyms, and indoor dining, among others. It is likely more counties and cities across California will follow Newsom’s lead on slowing the reopening process.
If your stores utilize on-sale alcohol permits, CGA advises checking with your county or city officials to decide how to best proceed. For questions or concerns, you can also contact Tim James.
What’s perhaps more noticeable about yesterday’s announcement is that it shows elected officials are willing to scuttle their own reopening plans, despite public pressure to return life to some sense of normalcy.
June 23, 2020: Single-Use Carryout Bag Ban Returns
Yesterday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order N-70-20, which extended his suspension of in-store CRV takeback requirements for grocery stores. The full order can be read here.
When Newsom signed the initial executive order that impacted recycling, he also allowed grocery store operators to give single-use or reusable bags to customers without charge for a period of 60 days.
Because the 60-day period expired last night at midnight, the mandates from California’s “bag ban” are reinstated today. The expiration of Executive Order N-54-20 means stores may no longer give out single-use bags to customers, or offer reusable plastic or paper bags to customers without charge.
It’s important to note some local jurisdictions have banned customers from bringing any reusable bags or other items into grocery stores for fear of COVID-19 contamination. CGA is working to help local governments move into alignment with the expiration of the earlier executive order.
Cal-OSHA has a helpful guide detailing how store employees should address customers who bring reusable bags into their stores. This document can be found here, and the information pertaining to bags begins towards the bottom of the first page.
If you have a question regarding the Governor’s executive order, please contact Kelly Ash. For local government questions, email Tim James.
July Emergency SNAP Allotments
California has been approved for July’s emergency SNAP allotments. CGA expects these funds to be distributed on August 16. For questions, email Leticia Garcia.
June 22, 2020: Suspension of In-Store CRV Takeback Extended
After much work by CGA and its members, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order N-54-2- on April 23, 2020.
This executive order exempted grocery stores from in-store CRV redemption requirements and allowed grocers to give single-use or reusable bags to customers without charge. Both actions taken by Newsom were set to expire after 60 days.
Today, the Governor is expected to sign a new order extending his suspension of in-store recycling requirements and $100 per day in-lieu of recycling fees for an additional 60 days. His action will also cover the relaxation of recycling operator hours.
Additionally, the Association expects Newsom to allow his previous action concerning grocery bags to expire at midnight.
Governor Newsom’s commitment to continue his help with recycling issues further underscores the benefits gained from the industry’s close work with him throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We expect to have the official copy of the new executive order soon. If you have any questions about this new executive action, please email Kelly Ash.
June 19, 2020: Face Masks Now Required Statewide
Yesterday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a new statewide face-mask mandate, and CGA shared some of the details contained within this new CDPH guidance.
The action taken by the Governor effectively requires cloth face masks be worn during all public activities — whether inside a building or outside — at all times.
We expect more details concerning enforcement and other components of implementation to come later. The Governor’s new guidance can be reviewed here.
May 27, 2020: WIC Waiver Extension
The USDA has issued a letter allowing states to continue operating under already approved waivers through June 30. This extension includes stocking waivers. The USDA has also indicated it will continue to monitor COVID-19 as it considers future extensions.
CGA expects CDPH to create a regulatory bulletin to be released later this week with more details. If you have any questions in the meantime, email Leticia Garcia for more information.
May 21, 2020: Advisory: Pharmacists Can Order and Administer FDA-Approved COVID Tests
The HHS Office of Inspector General has issued an advisory opinion clarifying that pharmacists are authorized to order and administer FDA-approved COVID tests even in states with laws that would otherwise prohibit pharmacist testing. To read the advisory opinion, click here.
May 11, 2020: May Extra SNAP Allotment
CGA has learned that the May Extra SNAP allotment will be issued June 13.
May 6, 2020: Governor Issues Workers’ Compensation Executive Order
Two weeks ago, CGA learned Gov. Gavin Newsom was considering changes to the state’s workers’ compensation program due to COVID-19. Concerned about how devastating the potential workers’ comp Executive Order would be, CGA worked with a coalition and submitted a letter of concern on the rumored points of the E.O. to the governor’s office. CGA also submitted its letters of concern and later met with the governor’s staff to ensure they understood the damaging impact of expanding the program.
Late Tuesday, CGA got wind of a pending governor’s announcement regarding workers’ compensation benefits for employees contracting COVID-19 during the statewide stay at home order.
It materialized Wednesday noon as Gov. Newsom announced Executive Order N-62-20, that “creates a time-limited rebuttable presumption for accessing workers’ compensation benefits applicable to Californians who must work outside the homes during the stay in home order,” according to the governor’s press release.
The governor’s staff contacted CGA just before his noon announcement with the Executive Orders general points.
Highlights of the order include:
- Is for COVID-19 tested or diagnosed positive by doctor cases only
- Establishes a rebuttable presumption that worker tested positive as a result of work
- Covers all employees required to work outside of home
- The rebuttable presumption is in effect for 60 days from today, but coverage continues after that expiration date
- Requires that they use all available sick leave
- Employer has 30 days to rebut claim rather than the regular 90 days
April 27, 2020: Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
Two weeks ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order bringing supplemental paid sick leave to companies with 500 or more employees.
The California Department of Labor has released a FAQ clarifying a number of important aspects of Executive Order N-51-20, such as how to calculate sick leave for part-time employees. The Department has also issued a poster to be displayed for employees.
April 24, 2020: Rules for Employee COVID-19 Testing
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has released guidance permitting mandatory coronavirus testing for employees prior to entering the workplace. The FAQ containing the new guidance can be found here.
We recommend members review the Commission’s FAQ in its entirety. But, one particularly important aspect to keep in mind is that the EEOC’s guidance also sets forth that employers remember that the ADA requires all medical information about employees must be stored separately from their personnel file and limit the access to this confidential information.
Paid Sick Leave Poster
Governor Newsom’s supplemental paid sick leave executive order requires companies with more than 500 employees to post notice their workers. This poster is available for download here.
April 23, 2020: Newsom Signs Executive Order Suspending In-Store Takeback and Bag Ban
As part of CGA’s work with Gov. Gavin Newsom and labor advocates, the Association pressed the Governor to provide relief from CRV redemption requirements and flexibility in terms of grocery bag policies.
This afternoon, Governor Newsom suspended regulations requiring grocer participation in the CRV redemption program and the statewide ban on single-use bags by signing a new executive order.
This executive action allows retailers to issue reusable bags free of charge at the point of purchase or — when it is not feasible to provide a reusable bag or recycled paper bag — allows grocers to issue single-use bags.
Local jurisdictions with existing bag ordinances grandfathered in by state law are not subject to the order and can be enforced by the city or county. CGA is communicating with these municipalities to have them adopt a similar suspension. Please review the attached list to check the areas within which you operate.
The executive order will be in effect for 60 days and represents a significant victory for the industry, which has long sought recycling relief, and more recently, flexibility on bags due to supply-chain issues and concerns for employee safety. Read the full order here.
April 17, 2020: Important Information for Prospective WIC-Authorized Vendors
The California Department of Public Health has released new electronic benefit transfer capability requirements, stating vendors must have EBT-capable point-of-sale (POS) equipment.
In order to help onboard prospective vendors, the Department is offering one FREE stand-beside POS machine to those who apply by May 15, 2020. Learn more about how to apply here.
April 15, 2020: Department of Labor Issues COVID-19 Recordkeeping Guidance
Our partners at Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP, have shared with us the following guidance on coronavirus recordkeeping:
The U.S. Department of Labor has issued interim guidance for enforcing OSHA’s recordkeeping requirements, as it relates to recording cases of COVID-19.
COVID-19 is a recordable illness and employers are responsible for recording cases of COVID-19 if the case:
1. Is confirmed as a COVID-19 illness;
2. Is “work related” as defined by 29 CFR 1904.5; and
3. Involves one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7, such as medical treatment beyond first aid or days away from work.
In areas where there is ongoing community transmission, employers may have difficulty making determinations about whether workers who contracted COVID-19 did so due to exposures at work. Accordingly, until further notice, OSHA will not enforce its recordkeeping requirements to require these employers to make work-relatedness determinations for COVID-19 cases, except where: (1) There is objective evidence that a COVID-19 case may be work-related; and (2) The evidence was reasonably available to the employer.
April 14, 2020: Online SNAP
The Online SNAP Process In an earlier edition of this daily email, we shared that FNS had approved California for online SNAP purchases. CGA has obtained a streamlined set of requirements for grocers that wish to participate. The document can be reviewed here.
April 13, 2020: Trucking Weight Limits
As the industry works to meet heightened consumer demand during this crisis, we’ve continuously delivered the message to Gov. Gavin Newsom and his staff that trucking weight limits need adjusting.
Moving forward, California will allow trucking weight limits to rise from 80,000 lbs. to 88,000 lbs. on a case by case basis. This means grocery companies will need to apply for the increased load capacity for each truckload. Here is the document you’ll need.
April 9, 2020: WIC Substitution List Released
In an earlier alert, we shared that grocery operators could expect WIC substitutions to be allowed, with the list of approved items forthcoming.
Late yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services released its Notice of Temporary WIC Authorized Food List. This list can be reviewed here.
April 7, 2020: WIC + SNAP Update
CGA can confirm California has received approval for substitution waivers. Stores will not need to change anything on their end as DSS will update their system and the updates will automatically be processed.
We expect to receive a list substitutions will be later this week.
CGA also received word that FNS has approved California to participate in online SNAP purchases. To be able to participate, retailers need to (I’m not sure how this sentence ends, read your original paragraph) the following guidelines. FNS is working on a streamlined set of requirements for retailers that would like to participate.
April 5, 2020: Newsom Issues New Price Gouging Orders
In addition to the existing price gouging laws, which went into effect upon State of Emergency declaration, Gov. Gavin Newsom has issued an executive order that aims to further protect consumers from cost hikes.
First, the new order waives the current timeline for price gouging — usually ending 30 days after a state of emergency has concluded — and mandates price gouging laws stay in effect until September 4, 2020.
Second, from April 4, 2020 through September 4, 2020, the price of any items under this law cannot be raised over 10 percent from what the price was on February 4, 2020. This tweak to existing law accounts for producers and suppliers, covering the whole supply chain down to the retailer.
You can review the Governor’s executive order here.
April 4, 2020: Legislature Further Delays Return
In the wake of COVID-19, the California State Legislature voted unanimously to suspend its session until April 13. On Friday, April 3, the state’s legislative body decided to push their return date further out — to May 4 — in order to give public health officials additional time to combat the virus.
When the Legislature does return, they are expected to focus solely on coronavirus-related lawmaking.
March 19, 2020: Customer Management Plans
As the industry adapts to what is, at least in the near term, a new normal, two essential questions need answering. Do you have a customer management plan? Have you shared this plan with your local law enforcement agencies?
A customer management plan can mean different things to different businesses at different times, but currently should take into consideration your methods for managing access for vulnerable populations and how to protect your customers and employees during these tense times.
Across social media a groundswell of support has grown around special shopping hours for vulnerable community members. You may choose or have already chosen to implement them. This is being viewed today as a socially responsible and sensitive thing to do by the broader public and many elected officials.
It has been widely publicized that Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked Californians who are 65 or older or medically at-risk to stay home. Nevertheless, this direction is not law. Instead, the Governor hopes to ask these groups to change their behavior, relying on delivery or assistance from healthier individuals to facilitate their food needs. There are significant questions concerning how to enforce and execute these special shopping hours.
At the same time, CGA is tracking local governments, such as Lynwood, Calif., that are now legally requiring “Senior Shopping Hours.”
What’s our advice? Follow the law and make the best decision possible for your community, its vulnerable populations and your business. We will update you with any changes as we learn more from the Governor’s office.
The second prong of your customer management plan should be developing open lines of communication with your local law enforcement officials. On your behalf, CGA has reached out to the California Police Chiefs Association and other local law enforcement groups to share our industry’s concerns around store safety.
We’ve heard anecdotally, that law enforcement has begun the process of reaching out to local grocery stores. But if you have not yet heard from them, please reach out directly.
When speaking with law enforcement leaders, we recommend you ask to be a part of their local emergency action plans. You can also ask to be categorized as a vulnerable location, which will secure you highly-visible patrols and priority response if a dangerous scenario arises.
As we continue to reiterate to elected officials and law enforcement, we are all in this together. Keeping communities secure, calm, civic-minded, and well-fed is of the upmost importance.
Have a question about customer management plans? Email Kelly Ash, VP, Government Affairs.
March 18, 2020: Newsom Takes Action on Commercial Driving
Through the hard work of CGA and its members, Gov. Gavin Newsom was pressed into taking direct action that eases restrictions on commercial drivers.
This action by the Governor, signed into law via executive order, will ensure key commodities can be delivered to California retail establishments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Last week, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration took similar action, by issuing its own emergency waiver.
It should also be noted Newsom’s executive order suspends existing law for employers directly impacted by coronavirus and directs the Labor and Workforce Development agency to provide guidance to impacted employees.
Read the full executive order here.
March 17, 2020: Governor Issues Restaurant and Social-Distancing Directives
Gov. Gavin Newsom has issued directives for statewide social distancing. These new guidelines focus on securing California’s most at-risk groups, altering how restaurants and other social venues operate, and moving the homeless to temporary shelter locations.
In particular, the Governor is advising the home isolation of all Californians 65 or older and those who suffer from chronic conditions. All bars, nightclubs, brewpubs and wineries are to be closed statewide. Restaurants are expected to focus on delivery and pick-up orders to ensure appropriate social distancing between customers.
We expect directives by the Governor to change and be adjusted as the situation progresses. Timely updates to statewide directives are available here.
In-store Dinning Restrictions
Statewide directives and local government orders ask for dining within grocery stores to be treated similar to restaurants. This means a focus on take-out and delivery of orders with no in-store dinning or similar gathering. It is expected this mandate will impact all of California over the next few days.
Events and Accommodations for Customers Over 65 or with Health
Conditions Some retailers across the country and in California are attempting to hold special events for customers over 65 or with existing health conditions. An example is early shopping hours limited to these populations. Grocery stores are highly discouraged from holding these types of events.
While the service to these populations is vital, events of this type directly disregard federal, state and local mandates for these individuals to shelter in-place. In fact, events of this type would not only put these populations at greater risk for contracting the virus, but could be considered an illegal act by the company.
We do encourage grocers to offer other accommodations such as home-delivery or similar access to food and goods which do not encourage vulnerable populations to leave their homes.
March 15, 2020: Governor Issues Restaurant and Social-Distancing Directives
On Sunday afternoon, March 15, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued new directives for statewide social distancing. These new guidelines focus on securing California’s most at-risk groups, altering how restaurants and other social venues operate, and moving the homeless to temporary shelter locations.
In particular, the Governor is advising the home isolation of all Californians who are 65 or older and those who suffer from chronic conditions. All bars, nightclubs, brewpubs and wineries are to be closed statewide. Restaurants are expected to focus on deliver and pick-up orders as their occupancy should now be half of what was previously allowed to construct appropriate distances between patrons.
CDPH Releases Guidance on Gatherings
The California Department of Public Health has announced policy guidance regarding gatherings in an effort to protect public health and slow the spread of COVID-19.
In summary, the CDPH policy guidance is as follows:
- Large gatherings with 250 people or larger should be postponed or canceled.
- Small gatherings that do not allow distancing of six feet per person should be postponed or canceled.
- Gatherings of individuals at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should be limited to no more than 10 people.
Gov. Newsom Declares State of Emergency
California’s governor has declared a State of Emergency in response to COVID-19.
State of Emergency declarations have become common in response to wildfires, extreme weather, earthquakes, and other similar scenarios. For reference, California had five declarations of a State of Emergency in 2019.
The declaration allows the state government several opportunities to make response and recovery funding available, enable mutual aid between local, state and federal governments, and more efficiently direct state resources.