Opportunity Through Responsibility: A Special Report on Sustainability From California Grocer


Contact: Dave Heylen, V.P. Communications California Grocers Association
Tel: 916.448.3545
Fax: 916.448.2793
E-mail: [email protected]

California Grocers Association
1415 L Street, Suite 450
Sacramento, CA 95814

SACRAMENTO, CA – (April 27, 2009) –Some see it as the “Green Revolution.” Others, the “Great Transition” or “Corporate Social Responsibility.” Whatever the title, sustainability has become the grocery industry’s mantra. But is it another buzzword or a long-term commitment? And how are grocery companies keeping green from turning the balance sheet red?

These are some of the questions and issues addressed in “Opportunity Through Responsibility” a Special Report on sustainability in the April edition of California Grocer and a must-read for everyone who follows the supermarket industry and needs to know the answer to one simple question – What’s Next?

“Sustainability was born out of an environmental movement that started in California and I am very proud to be in an industry that has really taken it to new levels in everything from reducing carbon footprints in the stores and the supply chain to buying sustainable products,” said Ronald Fong, CGA President and CEO.

“CGA, with the help of our members and other industry groups, is committed to the idea of making sustainability the standard by which every department in every company is measured,” he said. “We are convinced this is a core competency and part of a journey that is contributing to the well being of consumers in the state and to the fiscal health of retailers. It’s a matter of doing well by doing good.”

Examining the Issues

Sustainability has not only become a business and social imperative, but also a political magnet with no fewer than 60 pieces of legislation using the term “sustainability” to promote everything from carryout bags to a new generation of “green jobs.” And, if history repeats itself, what passes in California usually becomes a benchmark for the rest of the country.

This Special Report provides valuable insights into the issues and opportunities surrounding sustainability and a reference guide for future initiatives. Featured stories include:

  • Defining Sustainability
  • Legislative Initiatives
  • Carbon Footprinting
  • Water: The New Oil
  • Green: California’s New Gold Rush
  • What California Grocers Are Doing

Join California Grocer as it takes an inside look at a topic that is setting the stage for how we do business in the future.

For additional information, contact Dave Heylen, CGA, at (916) 448-3545.

The California Grocers Association is a non-profit, statewide trade association representing the food industry since 1898. CGA represents approximately 500 retail members operating over 6,000 food stores in California and Nevada, and approximately 200 grocery supplier companies. Retail membership includes chain and independent supermarkets, convenience stores and mass merchandisers.