The California Directors of Environmental Health (CCDEH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) are sponsoring two sessions of the 2011 Managing Food Safety Course. One of the three-day sessions is being offered in San Diego, on March 1-3, 2011. The second session will be offered at Berkeley, from June 28-30, 2011.
2011 Managing Food Safety Course
Sponsored by CCDEH, FDA & CDPH
Course Description: This course is designed to allow participants an opportunity to explore the various ways that risk based inspections can be applied in retail and food service establishments. Topics will include the process approach to HACCP, applications of HACCP principles in routine inspection work, and assessing active managerial control of risk factors by operators through a HACCP system or other established food safety system. While the process approach is new to many regulators, it is better designed for use in retail and food service settings than traditional HACCP approaches because it eliminates lengthy flow charting and hazard analysis for every type of food product.