Major flooding is heading to California on May 17-19, and CGA will be in the thick of the emergency response. Don’t worry, it’s only an exercise!
Every year the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) stages a comprehensive three-day training disaster exercise called Golden Guardian. For 2011, the emergency event will be a catastrophic flood. In response, federal, state, and local emergency management personnel across California are activated to respond as if it is a real emergency.
Dave Heylen, Matthew Dodson, and I will act as liaisons between the government response and California businesses. CGA is a formal partner with CalEMA as part of the Business and Utilities Operations Center (BUOC). Our role will include notifying California businesses of dangers and coordinating needed donations ranging from private helicopters to bottled water.
In the event of a real emergency, CGA’s partnership with CalEMA will provide you the best information available to protect your business and employees, as well as help Californians survive and recover from the incident.