At CGA’s annual Grocers Day at the Capitol event our industry has the opportunity to build a policy environment that will benefit our industry and customers. Together, industry representatives will educate state legislators about the grocery industry’s most pressing issues during face-to-face meetings. We need your voice at the Capitol on April 12.
Grocers will gather in the morning to hear legislative and regulatory leaders talk about the big-picture policy debates shaping the state. Then, after a legislative overview with CGA’s government relations team and Louie Brown from Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP, attendees will have a full schedule of in-person meetings with legislators in the afternoon. Our day of advocacy will conclude with the evening President’s Reception from 5 – 7 p.m.
Register Today
Don’t miss the most important advocacy day of the year for California grocers. Click here to register for Grocers Day at the Capitol.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. To view opportunities and register as a sponsor, fill out and submit this form to Beth Wright.