SB 1013: What you Need to Know
When Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB 1013 (D-Atkins) into law, it marked the most significant update to the state’s “Bottle Bill” in decades.
As a result, there is a transition timeline in place, and a road away from the expensive in lieu fees many grocers were forced to pay when the industry became recyclers of last resort and the recycling market collapsed. Moving forward, the industry should be preparing for a significant re-tooling of its recycling strategies and responsibilities.
CGA continues to meet frequently with CalRecycle, and its director, Rachel Wagoner, with whom the Association maintains a productive relationship. The Association is also actively involved in creating dealer cooperative options for grocers. We thank you for your partnership in creating a new recycling system that better serves both the grocery community and its customers.
To help members navigate the challenges ahead, CGA has created a members-only portal where stakeholders can access essential information in one easy location. Click the button below for access.