Details of regulation: No person may sell, offer for sale, or otherwise Distribute within the City any Food Service Ware made, in whole or in part, from Polystyrene Foam. City Facility Food Providers may not provide Prepared Food to City Facilities in Disposable Food Service Ware made in whole or in part, from Polystyrene Foam. City Departments may not purchase, acquire, or use Disposable Food Service Ware for Prepared Food where the Food Service Ware is made, in whole or in part, from Polystyrene Foam. Persons may not use Food Service Ware for Prepared Food in or at City Facilities, including parks, beaches, and recreation centers, where the Food Service Ware is made, in whole or in part, from Polystyrene Foam. Bans the sale or distribution for compensation within the city of coolers, pool toys, dock floats made from polystyrene foam that is not wholly encapsulated with a more durable material. Exemption for food pre packaged outside the city of San Diego. Includes an upon request requirement for plastic take utensils and straws.
Draft ordinance:
- SEC. 66.09. The Single Use Plastic Reduction Ordinance.
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