Grocery retailers and suppliers traveled to Sacramento in early April for CGA’s Grocers Day at the Capitol event to advocate on behalf of California’s grocery industry.
Grocers met with lawmakers and staff to educate them on the grocery industry’s most pressing issues and speak to their firsthand experience running a business in California. While the day’s top priority was sharing the impacts of retail theft on stores and communities, grocers also asked for legislators’ support on two food access bills, and asked for opposition on harmful self-checkout and store closure bills that would negatively impact stores and customers.
In addition to legislative meetings, attendees were joined by guest speakers from the Capitol community. Journalist Laurel Rosenthal, Sacramento bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, joined us to share her insights on the legislative landscape and takeaways from the March primary election. Members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee Asm. Rick Chavez Zbur and Asm. Juan Alanis joined us for a candid fireside chat around retail theft.
This year’s event also featured the inaugural Legislative Bagging Competition with Senate Candidate Christopher Cabaldon, Asm. Greg Wallis, and Asm. Tom Lackey, judged by our friends at Nugget Markets. Our day of advocacy wrapped up with a President’s Reception back at CGA Headquarters to mix and mingle with lawmakers and members of the Capitol community.
Thank you to all who joined us for a productive advocacy day! Check out event photos below.