10 Safe Shopping Tips
With daily news outlets reporting alarming increases throughout California in the number of COVID-19 related cases, the California Grocers Association (CGA) is urging Californians to remain vigilant in practicing safe shopping protocols.
Here are a few tips to help ensure a safe shopping experience for everyone:
1. Only visit the grocery store when it’s essential. Be creative with what you already have at home before going to the store.
2. Wear a mask when visiting the grocery store, by doing so, you’ll be doing your part to keep your fellow shoppers and grocery store employees healthy.
3. Wash or disinfect your re-usable grocery bags after each use. Some grocery stores are not accepting re-usable bags in order to comply with city or county COVID-19 health orders.
4. Help reduce store crowding. Don’t bring extra people on your visit to the store if at all possible.
5. Practice social distancing within the store. The CDC guideline is to maintain six feet, or two grocery carts, between yourself and other shoppers.
6. Inspect items with your eyes, not your hands. To avoid unnecessary handling of fruits and vegetables use a produce bag to make your selection.
7. Don’t crowd the checkstand. As a courtesy, some grocers have marked the floors in and around the store to help you keep a healthy distance from your fellow shoppers.
8. Treat grocery employees with kindness. They are working hard to provide everyone with safe access to the food and supplies they need. Be patient as they go about their work including additional cleaning protocols and consider acknowledging them with a big “thank you”.
9. Be aware of your store’s special hours or procedures. Many grocers are offering special shopping hours exclusively for seniors or other vulnerable populations. Check out your store’s website or call in advance.
10. Allow for extra time. Some stores are queuing customers outside their main entrance to reduce crowding within the store.
We are all in this together #Enough4All