Grocery retailers and suppliers from throughout California gathered in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 8, to discuss key industry issues with state legislators and staff during CGA’s Annual Grocers Day at the Capitol.
More than 60 grocers and suppliers participated in this one-day annual event that included face-to-face meetings with legislators in the State Capitol. Prior to their Capitol visits, attendees heard from freshman Assemblymember David Hadley (R-Torrance) and political insider Paul Mitchell.
“Grocers Day is our industry’s opportunity to talk face to face with state elected officials and discuss the key legislation being considered,” said CGA President/CEO Ron Fong. “This year was particularly important due to the challenging legislation now before both houses.”
To maximize their legislative visits, attendees were separated into smaller groups and pre-assigned legislators with stores in their district. CGA staff supplied each attendee with talking points and leave behind material on three key pieces of legislation, including:
- AB 359 (Gonzalez) – Grocery Worker Retention
- AB 305 (Gonzalez) Workers’ Compensation Apportionments
- AB 357 (Chiu) Employee Scheduling
Following Grocers Day, attendees and legislators were invited to CGA’s annual President’s Reception at the Association’s headquarters, which provided a more causal atmosphere to further discuss industry topics.
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