Expanded polystyrene ban for food vendors,
Details of regulation: Prohibits food providers from dispensing prepared food in any disposable food ware that contains polystyrene foam or otherwise sell, hand out, give away, distribute, or otherwise make available for public or customer use any disposable food service ware that contains polystyrene foam. Disposable food service ware that contains polystyrene foam is prohibited from use in all city facilities. These regulations also apply to all city contractors in the performance of city contracts and special events sponsored by the city. Exemptions include polystyrene foam coolers and ice chests intended for reuse and emergency situations.
- No. 2014-79 – An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gonzales Adding Chapter 5.54 – Reusable Bag Regulation, and 5.56 – Prohibited Disposable Food Service Ware to the Gonzales City Code Title 5 – Public Health and Safety.