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NGA Releases Impact of Independent Grocers Report

The National Grocers Association released on April 24 the results of a new study announcing the influence of independent grocers on America’s economy.

The results of that study, located at, outline the impact of the industry on sales, jobs, wages, and taxes at the national, state, and congressional district level.

The results were presented at a press conference on Capitol Hill in the House Agriculture Committee Room. Speakers included Peter J. Larkin, President & CEO, NGA; Joseph Sheridan, President & COO, Wakefern Food Corporation and NGA Chairman; The Honorable Rodney Davis (R-IL), and Nate Filler, President & CEO, Ohio Grocers Association.

Larkin released the top-level numbers, including a sales figure of $129.5 billion from almost 21,000 supermarkets in every congressional district. Independent grocers employ 945,000 people, paying over $30 billion in wages and $27 billion in taxes.

“We can take this information to Capitol Hill to show how large our voice is and why our opinions matter on relevant issues,” said Larkin. “We will strive to continue growing our industry by benchmarking these numbers and further creating jobs to enhance our impact.”

In total, the industry is responsible for generating close to 1% of the total US economic output.

“This study now makes tangible what we’ve always known intuitively,” said Sheridan. “The impact of the independent grocer is great, and the independents are the life blood of their communities.”

Congressman Davis, who serves on the House Agriculture Committee, spoke on the important relationship between growers and retailers, and ultimately consumers. “Every one of us is impacted by our local community supermarket,” he said.

Filler, whose organization represents over 400 members in the industry in Ohio, called the research impressive. “Our value in the community goes beyond dollars and cents,” he noted. “Every day in the Buckeye state, grocers are supporting little leagues, soccer teams, spaghetti dinners, and food banks.”

For more information on the study, visit

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