CGA understands the challenges members face when impacted by new legislation and strives to provide educational resources to address those challenges. CGAEF hosted a webinar to inform companies about the requirements of upcoming new laws that will affect the grocery industry in 2022. Webinar Recording Password: hJ7kSaPv During this important webinar, attendees learned about new laws including but not limited to: AB 701 – Warehouse quota notice SB 606 – Cal/OSHA enterprise wide citations SB 343 – Limits on use of the chasing arrows symbol AB 45 – CBD regulatory framework AB 1311 – Alternative schedules for recycling redemption centers SB 1383 – Organic waste reduction Prop. 12 – Animal confinement: pork products Presenters: Louie A. Brown, Jr., Attorney, Kahn, Soares & Conway, LLP |